Tag Archives: Tegan and Sara

Front Page: Best of 2013 Part III

Daniel’s top 5+5 (no particular order)

Hi. I`m the new guy. This was my 2013.

5 records I spent a lot of time with:

1. Modern Life is War – Fever Hunting (Deathwish/Indigo)
The thing about reunions: most of them suck. Maybe my views are over romantic, but there are a lot of zombielike bands out there with lifeless merch, touring like undead and new songs that are absolutely brain damaging. They used to be good once, but decided to come back for the wrong reasons (also called: money). With that mindset, I was very concerned about the resurrection of the hardcore scene darlings from MODERN LIFE IS WAR, but I was proofed wrong (at least till now).
The new record “Fever Hunting” is no “My love. My Way.”, but more than a solid HC-album. With its pissed off vocals, melodic guitars and hymns like “chasing my tail”, “media cunt” and “currency” MLIW made a mid-tempo wrecking ball without big experiments. But the reason this record made it into my top 5 is another one: it is a promise. A promise for show with passion and energy… bury under a pile of sweaty sing-along people and I`ll be happy.

Bury me under a pile of sweaty sing-along people. Continue reading Front Page: Best of 2013 Part III